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Fun with Plaster

Photo by Eric Levin

Looking for a fun, easy, nearly effort-free activity to do with kids (or not)? You should go to Plaster Fun Time. That’s what I did yesterday. I love that place, and I’m what? 20? And I’ve loved it since I was what? 5?Plaster Fun Time is recommended for children ages 4 – 12, but I think that older kids and adults can enjoy it too. I know I love a good casual art project now and then, were I get to make something awesome starting at $8.99. And I don’t even have to make the plaster sculpture, which is the real messy and difficult part; guests at Plaster Fun Time get to skip right to the decorative painting.

Another plus is that all of the colors you could ever need are included with the price of the plaster sculpture. These paints can be mixed and blended to form new colors and to transition from one color to the next, but if you are interesting in blending colors, I suggest bringing your own paint brushes. The ones provided by Plaster Fun Time were gangly at best. The fibers were stiff and worn-out, and split in ways that made it very difficult to paint a single hard-edged line, let alone trying to smooth and blend with them. That was really the only downside; that it is difficult to get detailed and ornate with the brushes that they provided. With the possibility of detail eliminated, painting at Plaster Fun Time becomes really easy, even for kids, and the finishes applied to the works really puts the icing on the cake.

My sea horse here would look pretty lame, I think, without its shine and sparkles.

Plaster Fun Time Website article/ review of Plaster Fun Time.