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New work to come.

Starting next week I will be finishing up a couple of pieces of work which I should be able to then photograph and post on my website.

In Illustration we have been working on perspective. Mostly in-class sketches with no finished drawings as of yet. Our first fully rendered drawing is due in one week.

In Lithography, we had a snow day that set us back a little, but I may still finish my first print early next week. We have mostly been learning about the process this whole time as we work on self-portraits. The portraits are interesting because they do not depict our physical selves. They are representations of who the class is and what we think and like without actually depicting us. All of the drawings are very different and show a wide range of subjects.

In other news, I started a mid-evil corseted bodice today. I plan to work on it in my spare time, simply for fun. I found some lovely, and cheap fabrics at Wal-Mart.  And I now have an excuse to use my fancy new grommet setter.

I have also signed up for the Hall Costume Contest for Anime Boston, April 2nd-4th as part of a two-person team.