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I did it again.

Once again, I have re-made my website, or at least the design. This time, hopefully, I will be happy with it for a little longer. The big change, and the big reason why I think this one will be one to keep for a while is the width of the layout. The old layouts were all set to 800 pixels, with many many repeating pixels on the edges of the page to fill your browser screen. This new layout starts at 1024 pixels, giving me more editable space, and a more formidable presence in on the screen.

The page-layout or map of the website is all the same except for the contact page has been moved up in priority to the main header, and the commissions policy page is now in the footer navigation bar. There are still subpages which can only be accessed through their parent pages. I encourage you to click around.

As you can see, I have also played with the color scheme, settling on a blue with turquoise accent colors. I guess I am already thinking of fall with that welcome picture. I feel like this layout is a lot more appropriate for the winter months while still keeping a little spring sprinkled in there with the shells and stones in the banner. What’s the term I’m looking for? Maybe more sophisticated, or timeless? Not sure, but I feel it–I know there’s something there visually that is just better than the last one.

My common frustrations come from the fact that I do not have complete freedom when it comes to editing my website; restricted to a web-page-builder I have limited layouts and page counts. Someday though, I will learn all of dreamweaver, and most importantly, how to publish from dreamweaver, so that I can have everything just so!