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Semester Update

Happy Valentine’s day. Thanks for reading. <3

First off, the poll results are in and the people want a mailing list. So I have created a mailing list. Now I want all those people to join the mailing list!!! I promise not to spam anyone. In fact, I will probably only be sending out updates once a month to let everyone who doesn’t subscribe to the blog know what special things I have added to the website which they may be interested in seeing.

Okay. That was the only business portion of this blog post. The rest is a general, nothing-very-important update.

The weather finally broke today!! It was 50 degrees outside!! Wooo. I think winter is finally over! This calls for a celebration in the form of a blog post updating on the semester so far.

However, as happy as the nice weather makes me, I will say that it’s really irritating that the university doesn’t have more trash cans or recycling bins on campus, because right now, everyone has started throwing all of their trash into the snow banks. Until everything melts and turns green again, things are not going to be very pretty around here.

Recap of the classes that I am in: Oil, Acrylic, and Advanced Drawing.

So far so good with drawing. I know my way around a pencil and sketch-pad. I think I will be able to handle that class just fine. Acrylics is WEIRD because its not the kind of tube-painting that I am familiar with. We’re using Acrylic inks which we lay on in washes like an ink-wash painting. I hope that we have the chance to learn more techniques as the semester goes on because this method is excessively time consuming and there is no room for error. Stressful!

Oil is also difficult because it is new to me. And its toxic, which also makes me worried. 🙂 I much prefer to work with things that’s won’t kill me if ingested. You know, safe things.

Apparently dirty oil rags can spontaneously combust…..

Its also messy, and I don’t like messy. I hope that I will get used to it soon, and my pieces will come along faster.

Because I have lots of assignments due this week, it won’t be long until I have new work to post to the site.