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Hanging the Armory

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My focus for the month, between Holiday preparations, has been the decoration of the dining room, which until recently has remained quite bare. I am in the process of painting a large diptych for one wall, and on another we have finally hung the armory.

Our love of Renaissance and Medieval fairs and dress, as well as the recent installation of an ax-throwing target in the backyard, has lead to the accumulation of quite a few weapons, decorative and functional. To store these weapons in their boxes and sheaths would be a disservice to their decorative qualities, and to the impressive size of the ever-growing collection. So instead, we bought a series of adjustable sword mounts and anchors to house the weapons in our dinging-dungeon.

Not pictured is a short-spear that I bought Jake for Christmas and a long-bow which may never actually fit on that wall. The buffet beneath the armory is another new addition, which we assembled last week after a long headache of waiting on parts held up by FedEx during their holiday meltdown. Happily, everything is assembled and functioning in time for our New Years celebration.