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How to Sew a Five Minute Twist Headband

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Happy Friday, everyone! There’s a gorgeous weekend ahead, but many of us still have a lot of time on our hands. Maybe some of you would like to sew now that you’re spending so much time at home. Want to make a headband? It’s really easy. Perfect for beginners who have no idea what they’re doing. I’ll try to explain it like you don’t know how to sew.

Supplies you’ll need:

  1. 2 or 4-way stretch fabric
  2. Fabric scissors
  3. sharpie or chalk
  4. sewing machine, serger, or needle and thread

Lay the pattern above out on folded fabric making sure that the fabric stretches the long-way, the direction that will need to go around your head. Mark the pattern on your fabric and cut out your two rectangles. You can either print this pattern to scale, or simply measure it out on a piece of paper.

Unfold your rectangles, and then fold them the other way, right sides together, serging so that you have two long tubes. If you don’t have a serger you can sew on a machine with a zig-zag stitch. If you have neither of those, sew by hand stretching the fabric slightly as you go.

Turn the tubes inside out. Flatten the seams so that they’re in the middle of one side of the tubes. This is the back side.

Interlock the tubes into two U’s. Seam sides together.

Gather all four edges of your headband and line up the ends so that the seams are facing each other, like two sandwiches stacked. Keep the seams inside the sandwiches.

Serge or zig-zag all ends together and flip this raw seam to the inside of the headband. That’s it! You’re done!

Enjoy your very comfortable, utilitarian, rectangle-based accessory. Feel free to leave a comment with questions or photos!