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1919 Tea Length Skirt with Pattern

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Today we’re time-traveling. Back 101 years to the last global pandemic and a world torn apart by disease and war. Why go back to such a tumultuous time to sew a garment when we have plenty of troubles here in our own time? Because it is some comfort to me that people in our recent past have gone through it before. Plus, clothes back then were very cute.

There is always something to be learned from past mistakes, like the uneven application of social isolation to try and stop the Spanish flu. I hope that people today will look upon the past and realize that the pandemic is a marathon, not a sprint. History bends towards progressive change though the journey may be painful.

Anyway, back to the skirt. I patterned it myself; the general pattern is featured below for those of you feeling extra curious or ambitious. It is not a voluminous skirt, it is a practical one. Modest, and conservative of material, but with pockets! The closure is a zipper on the back side.

I did not sew the shirt, but I feel it’s beneficial to see the skirt as part of an outfit. Alone it’s rather plane and underwhelming. Feel free to ask questions in the comments about the pattern!