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Corseted Wallflower

This latest illustration was done using both transparent and opaque acrylic inks. Our assignment was to do an illustration of a “fade-away” figure, where an aspect of the figure blends into the background to create flat areas that contrast with rendered, round areas. At the beginning of the semester, I made a list of the things that I want to try and include more in my illustrations to keep me focused on making work that I was interested in. Corsetry, and pattern were two items on the list that could be worked into this illustration.

The background pattern was painted completely by hand. Some people used air-brush techniques to get a smooth background color, but my design was too intricate to airbrush. I chose to keep the composition simple, central, and symmetrical, because those adjectives capture the feeling of wearing a corset. There was no way to bend the figure, because a corset keeps the spine perfectly straight and central.

By Shauna Leva