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Happy Valentine’s Day

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Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone! I love all of you who take the time to read my blog, visit my website, and support my artwork and hobbies. Thank you so much for giving me a little bit of your valuable time and attention. The website updates are going great; you may have noticed that I recently updated the website’s template and overall look. This includes a snazzy new home page redesigned content pages. I have updated the look of a few of my portfolio galleries, redone the about me page, commissions page, and workshop page, just to name a few. Thank you so much for browsing the site and again, taking an interest in my work.

I would like to thank my dog Tovi, for being my little helper always. And of course a big thank you and ‘I love you’ to my partner Jake, who lets me use a disproportionate amount of square footage in our home for my various projects.

Several more blog posts are scheduled over the next month, so I hope you’ll keep coming back to check out more of my sewing, painting, and other creative endeavors.