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Bonus Post: Ostara 2020 and Celtic Belly Dance Show Photos

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Happy Ostara, or Spring equinox to all readers of the Northern Hemisphere! And a belated Happy Saint Patrick’s Day to all those still recovering. St Patrick’s day falls close to Ostara; closer than usual this year, so it is fitting that I have photos to share from a Celtic-themed dance show from last Sunday.Ostara for me is a celebration of having survived the winter, and made it to the light half of the year. This year in particular, the winter was quite easy, and as a coworker put it, it doesn’t feel like we’ve earned the warm weather. Sure enough, our tribulations are not over as the world faces a new pandemic. Instead of snows and ice, this year’s trial is looming illness.Though our collective behavior will change in reaction to this threat, it is not all unlike our seasonal changes in behavior in response to the weather. In fact, you can still enjoy many springtime rituals within the constraints of “social distancing” and increased hygiene. Spring cleaning is a perfect example. Spring is traditionally a time for cleaning, and now more than ever, a very smart thing to do! I have been tackling those odd annual cleaning tasks, getting all the hard to reach and unseen places in preparation for a large party in the summer that now may be in jeopardy.

Regardless of how world events unfold, we are still planning our annual vegetable garden, tending the yard and flower beds as we would any other year, with the added benefit of these being laborious activities outdoors, away from others. Take this time of isolation as an opportunity to reconnect with yourself, your home, your garden, and forgo the large spring festivals. You can still have a lovely and meaningful Ostara with yourself and nature.On a happier note, the show was a blast; a fundraiser for veterans and a very festive community celebration which took place well before any reported cases of COVID-19 occurred in that county. I felt extremely comfortable on stage as we have been drilling these dances for months in preparation. I am very proud of myself and my troupe! There is a video of part of our performance here: