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Dog Camp Blankets

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My dogs get all the good stuff.

I was gifted some baby-blanket fabric and decided to use it all in one go making two new sleepover blankets for the dogs. They will also make nice sturdy camp blankets for them. Our boarding facilities call it “sleepovers” now so us humans can pretend our dogs are having fun at the kennels.

This is Tovi trying hers out. It was fresh out the dryer and hadn’t been ironed for the photo. The dog fits.

How to make your own:

  1. Fold whatever uncut length of blanket fabric you have in half, right sides together.
  2. Cut on the fold, don’t take the rectangles apart, but pin them together.
  3. Sew along the edges with a chunky inch wide seam allowance. At the corners, sew 2 stitches on a 45-degree angle to round the corner. Leave a space big enough for your fist unsewn. Clip the corners if you wish to reduce bulk.
  4. Stick your arm inside the blanket reaching for the opposite corner, turn right-side-out.
  5. Hand-stitch the hole closed using matching thread.
  6. You can press your seams or just throw the whole thing in the wash and dryer, and the seams will work themselves flat enough.